Notable Cases of Jaime Gigax, Esq.

Frias v. Bighorn Construction & Reclamation LLC et al.

Highway accident, brain damage. Victim dejό incapacitated, 2022.

An employee of a construction company did not have a valid driver’s license. This employee – without a license – left for work at 3:30 a.m. and fell asleep driving a company vehicle at 80 mph. He crashed into another vehicle, seriously injuring the other driver. The family of that injured driver hired Mr. Gigax.

A mutually satisfactory agreement was reached.

Román v. Delta Construction

$1,750,000 for construction negligence

Click here to read an article about the case.

An injured worker only received about $30,000 in workers’ compensation, but attorney Gigax was awarded another $1,750,000 from the company that negligently injured him.

About this case: A new building was under construction. The roofing subcontractor concealed, with a temporary roof, an opening large enough for a man to fall through. A worker from another (insulation) subcontractor was walking on the roof. He fell through the trap, i.e. the hidden hole, and was seriously injured. His family hired Mr. Gigax.

The collapsed roof through which the worker fell. See the blood on the floor.

Romero v Reiman Corp.

Verdict for Illegal Immigrant” for $1,000,000 for construction site accident

An 18-year-old construction worker was seriously injured in a crane accident. His boss was using an ordinary excavator machine as a crane to lift a heavy steel load. The heavy load was not lifted correctly. A heavy piece of steel, which was thrown into the air, hit the young man, causing him to fall almost four meters into a hole, seriously injuring him. The young man hired Mr. Gigax, who took the case to trial. The jury awarded $1,000,000 to the injured youth (less 10% for “comparative fault”).

The philosophy adopted by Mr. Gigax is well described in this press article: Winning comes from shooting accurately, i.e. winning comes from presenting the case honestly:

Denver Law Week (6/11/12)

Family receives $1,600,000 for traffic accident

Disclaimer: The clients asked me to change the details to protect their confidentiality and identity. The attached photo depicts the damage caused when the Honda Accord they were riding in was struck from behind at high speed by a cargo vehicle.

A supervisor at a construction company had a recent history of drug abuse. His employer had reason to know about his drug use. However, the company continued to require this employee to drive a company vehicle. Not surprisingly, this employee was not a careful driver. One day, when traffic was stopped on the freeway, due to traffic, this employee crashed into a vehicle that was stopped on the freeway, causing him serious injuries, including spinal fractures.

Click here to see the settlement

Sampson v. Welding Industries – Crane accident, oil platform

$3,225,000 for injury from a recreational injury

A $3,225,000 settlement is paid in Aspen due to a skiing mishap. A 19-year-old skier failed to look before jumping and then veered 360 degrees without making sure the way downhill was clear.

The skier, who was traveling at a speed of at least 35 miles per hour, crashed into a medical professional who suffered a closed head injury, a severe shoulder injury, and a destabilized cervical neck fracture. The man’s medical skills, livelihood and quality of life were taken from him.

Jim Gigax went to great lengths to help the gentleman, including consulting with engineers who were charged with preparing this animation. In this case, a settlement was reached four months before trial in the amount of $3,225,000.

Dismissed Driver Wins Plieto Trash Company

Case of discrimination against a worker with a physical disability. Civil Rights

Shooting case initiated in a canteen

Machine gun taken to cantina; two people killed; one seriously wounded. Bar sued for inadequate security.

Shooting case initiated in a cantina: Daniels v. Jim & I Star Bar.

Customer who was shot in a cantina wins lawsuit against the cantina.

Jaime E. Gigax
Colorado and Wyoming Attorney

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